Robert's Story

Robert has lived most of his life on the East side of Glacier National park, in or on the Blackfeet Native American Nation.

He came to me to preserve his life story for his future heirs. He knew this would protect the legacy of his family name. He chose a special memorial monument to tell his story. As I visited with Robert, I discovered many unique aspects of his life. Below are the pictures of the front and back of his final memorial that he created with my help. There is something unique about this monument that makes it one-of-a-kind. Under his full name on the front, there is only a birth-date and no date of passing.

The reason for only a birth date is of course... Robert is still alive! Yes, he was wisely planning for the inevitable. He knows two important secrets in life that most are unaware of. Do you know these secrets?

First, he knew that only he could tell his life story accurately. Robert firmly grasped his “15 Minutes of Fame” and shared his experiences.

Second, he has spared his children the extremely difficult task of deciding what his final memorial should have on it and what it should look like. He lovingly made the decision to tell his own story to his future family. Robert showed foresight and wisdom in creating his final memorial as a tribute and permanent record to his own life story.

Take note of his four unique story lines:

Request 1. “The top of the monument has to have mountain peaks on it”, was his first request. So we used my Rocky Mountain Top Monument™ design. As we built the design on my computer, he surprised me with a detail he wanted to add: “Each of the tallest peaks will have its name engraved on it. Lone Walker, Sinopah and Rising Wolf.”

Request 2. “I want a picture of the book I wrote, on the monument: ‘Looking Back Three Centuries on the Northern Plains’ ”.

Request 3. “I want my cowboy hat and a picture of my favorite horse on the monument!” This was added to the front.

Request 4. Through much persuasion, I convinced Robert to add the last personal item. I said: “Your story will be complete, only if you put your signature above your name on the front.” He hesitated, then finally agreed.

His story was complete. Now he had the peace of mind I’ve had the privilege of seeing in those who tell “Their Life Story”. You have the unique opportunity to tell your life story to your Great-Great-Great Grandchild. I challenge you to do this... and I’ll help you do it!

Front of the Memorial

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Front of the Memorial

Back of the Memorial

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Back of the Memorial

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